Before 24 hrs (check-in) | No Refund | Postpone allowed | Changes allowed |
Within 24 hrs (check-in) | No Refund | Postpone not allowed | Changes not allowed |
On the spot | No Refund | Postpone not allowed | Changes not allowed |
- We have can shift your accommodation to any location (eg A, B,..) in Pawna lake without prior notice.
- In case of management issues, unforeseen weather conditions, or government restrictions, certain activities may be canceled and in such cases, the operator will try his best to provide an alternate feasible activity.
- In case of rescheduling, the booking amount should match the previous booking amount and no of persons should be the same. New rates will be applicable as per the rates on the website. A guest has to pay the difference. Ex Booking on Valentine or NYE events.
– You (“The user”) understand that there are inherent risks of the services which may or may not be directly provided by Pawna camping (“Us”/ “The Company”) in which the user may engage.
– Hukka and other similar things are not allowed. Vomiting in tent will charge you fine of 2000rs
– The user confirms that they are physically and mentally capable of availing of the service.
– The users’ participation is voluntary and the user shall under no circumstance hold Pawna camp responsible for any injury, accidents, illness, and damage to or loss of personal property as the result of any incident or accident that may occur during the period of service.
– The conduct and behavior of the user should not cause distress or harm to anyone including other user members, Pawna camp’ staff, service providers, etc; in which case we/ service providers reserve the right to ask you to immediately leave, or in certain circumstances, hand you over to the appropriate authorities, in which case the financial liability would be of the user.
– If for any reason the user wishes to abruptly end the trip before its scheduled completion or is unable to participate due to being unfit, we will not be responsible to provide any refund and the financial liability for making any alternate arrangements would be of the user.
– The user is responsible to follow the instructions of the leader/ service provider and the user has to bear all the expenses which may arise in case of medical exigency or any emergency condition.
– Cuts, bruises, and minor injuries are normal for an adventure activity. First aid kit is provided and the coordinators are trained to respond in such situations. Pawna camp takes all the reasonable steps to provide basic safety required for the particular activity.
– During the camping, the camp leader’s decision will be the final decision, whatsoever.
– Pawna camp holds the right to change the itinerary or even cancel the activity in case of any unexpected change in weather or other unpredictable situations occur that are beyond our control. Pawna camp will not be liable for any costs such as travel or accommodation incurred by the participant in such circumstances.
– No refund will be made for rescheduled bookings. One can reschedule booking for at most 2 times
– All activities are described as accurately as possible; however, the exact arrangements may differ slightly on any given day. Photographs are used for representation purposes and should be taken as a guide only.
– It is mandatory to disclose any personal medical conditions so that prior arrangements can be made. Pawna camp does not hold any responsibility for the outcome of any undisclosed medical condition during the trip.
– Smoking and drinking are strictly prohibited during the nature treks.
– If participants are found violating the rules, the Pawna camp reserve all the rights to remove the participant from the group. In such a situation, no refund shall be provided.
Pets :
Dogs should be ok just out on a leash. There are no pets allowed in the sanitary building. Dog waste on streets and green spaces need to be removed immediately by the owner. Aggressive dogs and guard dogs are not allowed. Please make sure that your pet does not make noise.
Sanitary facilities :
Please be very considerate in matters of hygiene and leave the toilet block in the way you want to find it. Water is a precious commodity and we should treat it that way. Children under 10 must be accompanied by adult supervision to please people in the toilet block. Throughout sanitary hygienic reasons, smoking is forbidden!
Special arrangement :
We reserve the right at any time to make changes of regulations in the sense of a regulated flow. We reserve the right to exclude those from the camping park who disturb the peace and harmony of the general public through their behavior or do not follow the above rules.